
Credit & Debit Card surcharges will be banned from Saturday 13th January

On Saturday 13th January, you will no longer be able to charge a fee to customers who choose to purchase goods by card.

The current rules that were put into action in 2013 meant a business could charge a customer whatever it cost to process a debit or credit card payment. This is all set to change from Saturday 13th January and all surcharges for customers choosing to pay by card whether it be credit or debit, will be banned. This is also going to include payment methods such as PayPal and Apple Pay.

Although the charges are set to be banned, limits on card purchases will still be able to be made to suit your business. It is also possible to charge a booking or administration fee so long as it applied it to other payment methods too.

The changes are coming in as part of a law setting out many new payment regulations which are based on an EU directive and as this is a UK law change will still also apply following the Brexit process.