
Cheltenham – We’re Open campaign launches

We’re happy to announce the launch of Cheltenham – We’re Open, a new town-wide campaign which will welcome residents and visitors back into Cheltenham following the recent government guidance easing the lockdown for retailers and the roadmap to changes in restrictions on the hospitality sector.

Cheltenham – We’re Open logo

What is Cheltenham – We’re Open?

The campaign has been created to promote Cheltenham as a destination for day visitors initially and positioning the town as the perfect place to visit, with wide open streets, plenty of public parks and an array of fantastic shops, restaurants and bars.

After three months of lockdown, people have been looking forward to being able to do the things they enjoy and have missed doing the most. Reflecting this, the messaging focuses on what visitors have missed over their 3 months of lockdown such as spontaneous shopping trips, catch ups with friends or meals out. We have also created a Cheltenham – We’re Open logo to sit alongside this messaging.

How can you get involved?

We’re asking businesses throughout the town to get involved by using the Cheltenham – We’re Open logo across communications and the hashtag #cheltisopen. The more businesses get behind the campaign, the wider the message will spread and the more successful the campaign will become, bringing residents and visitors back into town to help businesses after a long three months in lockdown. We’re here to help you but we also need your help to make this campaign a success. To get involved, download the assets and use them when creating your own communications.

How can you use the assets?

There are so many ways you can use the logo across your communications. Will you be updating your opening times information in your shop window? Perhaps you’re changing your menu? Or are you creating social media posts and adverts? All of these can easily incorporate the new logo and will help build the town-wide message that Cheltenham is open once again.

Where are the assets?

Download the files below to get hold of your own Cheltenham – We’re Open assets including the logos in black and white and two banners for your use.

We hope you can get behind this campaign to help the town with the recovery we’re all now working towards.

If you have any questions or feedback, please get in touch by emailing [email protected]